Public offer agreement
1.1. This offer, in the official proposition of FOP Bogdan Mikhailovich written, followed by the text - "Seller", place the Agreement for the purchase and sale of goods in a remote way, then through the Internet store, followed by the text - "Agreement", and placing a Public offer (proposition) on official website of the Seller (hereinafter referred to as the “Internet website”).
1.2. The moment of total and insane acceptance by the Buyer of the proposition of the Seller (acceptance) is to place an electronic agreement on the purchase and sale of goods, the fact of payment by the Buyer of the agreement on the minds of this Agreement is taken into account, at the line that for the prices indicated on the Internet site of the Seller.
Understanding and understanding
2.1. For the offer, although the context does not matter otherwise, the following terms may have the following meaning:
* "goods" - models, accessories, accessories and support items;
* "Іnternet-magazin" - vіdpovіdno to the Law of Ukraine "about electronic commerce", zasіb for filing or realіzacії goods, robots or serving as a way of introducing electronic legality.
* "Seller" - a company that sells goods presented on the Internet site.
* “Purchaser” - a physical person who laid the Agreement with the Seller on the minds, laid down below.
* "Replacement" - a selection of other positions for the transfer of goods, designated by the Buyer when placing an order and making a payment.
Subject of the Agreement
3.1. The Seller wants to transfer the Goods to the authorities, and the Buyer wants to pay and accept the Goods on the basis of this Agreement.
This Agreement regulates the purchase and sale of goods in the Internet store, including:
- goodwill selection by the Buyer of goods in the Internet store;
- self-registration by the Buyer of the purchase in the Internet store;
- payment by the Buyer for the purchase made in the Internet store;
- processing and delivery of the purchase from the authorities on the minds of the Agreement.
Application procedure
4.1. The Buyer has the right to place an order for any product, to present it to the Internet store on the Website and to show it to the buyer.
4.2. The skin position can be presented at the dressing in any number.
4.3. When the goods are shipped to the warehouse, the manager of the company needs to know about the purchase (by phone or via e-mail).
4.4. In case of vіdsutnostі goods, the Buyer may have the right to replace it with the goods analogіchnoї modelі, vіdmovitysya vіd this product, anulyuvati zamovlennya.
Application payment procedure
With a payment
5.1. Payment zdіysnyuєtsya for the fact of taking the goods from the vіddіlennі transport companies for the preparation of rozrahunok in hryvnias.
5.2. If you do not need a penny fee, the Internet store retains the right to cancel the booking.
Clean up delivery
6.1. Delivery of goods, delivery to the Internet store, delivery to the warehouses of transport companies, de і zdіysnyuєtsya vidach zamovlen.
6.2. At the same time, for the purchase, documents are given according to the laws of Ukraine.
Rights and obligations of the parties:
7.1. Seller has the right to:
- unilaterally assign the duty of service for this contract to the time of the breach by the Buyer of the minds of this contract.
7.2. Goiter Buyer:
- pay in your own time and withdraw the settlement on the minds of this contract.
7.3. Buyer has the right to:
- make an appointment in the Internet-shop;
- draw up an electronic contract;
- vimagati vіd Seller vikonannya minds of the Contract.
Vidpovіdnіst sides
8.1. The parties shall be liable for non-compliance or non-compliance with the minds of this agreement in the manner prescribed by this agreement and the proper legislation of Ukraine.
8.2. The seller does not bear responsibility for:
- change by the picker of the good look of the Goods;
through an insignificant change in the color of the goods, which can be included in the original product, including for the rіznoї kolіrnoї peredovі monіtorіv personal computers okremih models;
- for the money and truthfulness of the information that the Buyer expects when making a booking;
- for hiccups and interruptions in the delivery of the goods (orders of delivery and delivery of the goods), for reasons that are due to the sphere of yogo control;
- for counterfeiting illegal activities, ordered by the Buyer for additional access to the Internet;
- for the transfer by the Buyer of his/her own identifiers - IP, MAC-addresses, login and password to third persons;
8.3. The buyer, vikoristovuyuchi giving you access to the Internet, independently carried the vodpovidalnіst for shkoda, zapodіyanu yogi diami ambushes of morality.
8.4. At the time of the current circumstances of non-separating force, the parties are bound by victorious agreement. Under the conditions of non-selective force for the purpose of the contract, there are subdivisions that may have an overarching, non-transfer character, yakі include or objectively transfer the violation of the contract, which the Parties could not transfer and return in reasonable ways.
8.5. The parties report maximum effort for the resolution of any differences, including the path of negotiations.
8.6. In case of rejection of the goods, all costs for transport services are borne by the buyer.
9.1. The online store reserves the right to unilaterally make changes to this contract, provided that it is previously published on the website
9.2. The online store was created to organize a remote method of selling goods via the Internet.
9.3. The buyer is responsible for the accuracy of the information specified when placing the order. At the same time, when making an acceptance (placing an order and subsequent payment for the goods), the Buyer gives the Seller his consent to the collection, processing, storage, and use of his personal data, in the sense of the Law on Protection of Personal Data.
9.4. Payment by the Buyer of the order placed in the online store means the Buyer's full agreement with the terms of the sales contract (public offer)
9.5. The actual date of the electronic agreement between the parties is the date of acceptance of the terms, in accordance with Art. 11 of the Law of Ukraine "On Electronic Commerce"
9.6. The use of the online store resource to preview the product, as well as to place an order for the Buyer, is free of charge.
9.7. The information provided by the Buyer is confidential. The online store uses information about the Buyer exclusively for the purpose of processing the order, sending messages to the Buyer, delivering goods, making mutual settlements, etc.
The procedure for returning goods of appropriate quality
10.1. The return of goods to the online store is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.
10.2. The return of the goods to the online store is carried out at the expense of the Buyer.
10.3. When the Buyer returns the product of proper quality, the Online Store will return the amount paid for the product upon the fact of the product being returned, minus compensation for the Online Store's costs related to the delivery of the product to the Buyer.
Contract term
11.1. An electronic contract is considered to have been concluded from the moment the person who sent the proposal to conclude such a contract receives a response about the acceptance of this proposal in accordance with the procedure defined by part six of Article 11 of the Law of Ukraine "On Electronic Commerce".
11.2. Before the expiration of this Agreement, it may be terminated by mutual consent of the parties before the actual delivery of the goods, by means of a refund
11.3. The parties have the right to terminate this agreement unilaterally, in case of non-fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement by one of the parties and in the cases stipulated by the current legislation of Ukraine.
We draw your attention to the fact that the online store "" on the official website has the right, in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, to grant the right to use the Internet platform to private enterprises and legal entities for the sale of goods.